It is necessary to know all the exceptional methods of car management. Similarly, you need to know how to put your car neutral without a key in the ignition. If your car key is lost or stolen, you may need to drive.
However, many people don’t know how to set up a car neutral without a key. This technique is commonly used by automobile mechanics and tow truck operators. Learning to drive without a key will eliminate your frustration and save time.
How to Put a Car in Neutral Without a Key in the Ignition
Step 1
Place the wheel block in front of or behind the four tires to keep the car in a safe place. The car will remain stationary due to the wheel block. If you don’t use the wheel block or put it in the wrong place, the car can move forward or backward while being kept neutral.
As a result, if the car is not stopped immediately, it can cause serious injuries.
Step 2
Turn on the flashlight and carefully crawl under the car to the ground. Use the flashlight to detect the car’s transmission. The transmission is usually near the engine.
Step 3
If the transmission is detected, look for the running cable. A switch and lever have attached to the correct cable. Now disconnect the wire and press backward on the lever. Keep pressing until it makes clicking sound twice. The lever must be pushed toward the back end of the car.
Now get out from under the car and push the car without removing the wheel blocks. If your method is correct then the car should run a bit if it is neutral. When the car is successfully neutralized, it can be pushed to an alternative location. So, you can use these methods to put your car in neutral without a key in the ignition.