A Cat Delete adds approximately 7-15 horsepower to a vehicle, depending on the make and model of the car. This is due to the fact that when you remove your catalytic converter from your exhaust system, it no longer restricts airflow as much, allowing for more air intake and thus higher performance.
The amount of horsepower added will also depend on other modifications made to your engine such as a cold air intake or increased compression ratios.
In general though, you can expect an increase in performance between 7-15hp with just a Cat Delete alone.
Cat deletes are a great way to boost your vehicle’s horsepower. They work by eliminating the restrictive factory exhaust system and replacing it with a free-flowing, performance-oriented aftermarket exhaust. This can add anywhere from 5 to 20 additional horsepower, depending on the model and make of car you’re driving.
If you’re serious about getting more power out of your ride, a cat delete is an effective way to do it!

Credit: www.youtube.com
What are the Cons of a Cat Delete?
Having a cat can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences for any animal lover. However, it is important to remember that cats are living creatures with needs and wants that must be met in order for them to live happy and healthy lives.
Unfortunately, there are some cons associated with owning a cat such as cost, health risks, potential damage to furniture or belongings, allergies, behavioral issues and more.
For example, having a cat means regular vet visits which require financial investment in food and medical bills over time. Additionally cats can sometimes get sick from various parasites or diseases which could cause significant harm if not noticed early on or treated properly.
Allergies may also be an issue for some people who have sensitivities towards pet dander or fur despite how well groomed your cat might be at all times.
Finally destructive behavior such as scratching furniture may occur especially when young cats are left alone without proper stimulation leading to costly repairs down the line.
Ultimately while cats bring immense joy ownership comes with its own set of challenges including those mentioned above so make sure you’re prepared before deciding whether they’re right fit for you!
Does a Cat Delete Use More Fuel?
Cats are known for their love of napping, but they also need some energy to carry out their daily activities. While it is true that cats use less energy than humans or even other animals in the same family, such as dogs, they still require a certain amount of fuel to function properly. So the question arises: Does a cat consume more fuel than other animals?
The answer depends on the type of fuel being discussed and how much activity your pet is engaging in. When it comes to food, most cats will eat an average diet of wet and dry foods throughout the day. Since cats are obligate carnivores, this means that these meals will consist mostly of animal proteins such as fish and poultry.
This type of diet does not necessarily mean that cats require more fuel than other pets; however, since they have higher metabolisms than many other animals (including humans), they may need more frequent meals in order to stay energized throughout the day.
As far as gasoline consumption goes, cats do not typically use any sort of vehicle so there is no direct way to measure how much gas they might be using up over time.
However, because felines tend to be active creatures who enjoy exploring outdoors when given the opportunity (especially if allowed outside supervised), it’s likely that a housecat could use up some extra energy while running around outside – which would equate with burning through additional fuel sources compared with a sedentary indoor-only pet.
Ultimately though, unless you actually monitor your pet’s outdoor activities closely enough (which can be difficult) it’s hard to know exactly how much gas or other fuels your kitty might be consuming on any given day or week!
Does the Catalytic Converter Take Away from Horsepower?
The catalytic converter is an important part of a vehicle’s exhaust system and helps reduce emissions, but does it take away from horsepower? The answer is yes. Catalytic converters are designed to convert harmful pollutants in the exhaust into less harmful gases.
This process requires energy, which means that some amount of power will be taken away from your engine when the catalytic converter is in use. However, the amount of lost horsepower due to this conversion process is usually quite small compared to other factors such as air intake or fuel delivery systems.
Additionally, modern catalytic converters are designed specifically to minimize any negative effects on performance while still being effective at reducing emissions.
Therefore, while it may cause a slight decrease in performance, installing a catalytic converter shouldn’t have too much of an impact on overall horsepower output.
Is a Cat Delete Louder?
It is a common misconception that cats meow louder than dogs bark, but this is actually not the case. Cats and dogs both have vocal cords and produce different sounds based on their anatomy. A cat’s meows are typically shorter in duration than a dog’s barks, so it may seem like a cat’s meows are louder because they come more frequently.
However, the actual sound of each animal can reach similar decibel levels depending on the individual pet’s vocal capabilities. Generally speaking, cats tend to be quieter animals overall compared to dogs when it comes to vocalization due to their smaller size and how much energy they expend during bouts of barking or meowing.
Therefore, while some cats may indeed be quite loud when they let out a long string of ‘meows,’ most cats don’t reach as high volume levels as most dogs do with their yaps or woofs!
Do catalytic converters rob horsepower? Lets find out! Lexus ISF Cat Delete
Cat Delete Pros And Cons
Cats can make great companions for those who are looking for a pet, but it is important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding if adopting one is right for you. The main pro of having a cat as a pet is that they require less maintenance than other animals.
They do not need to be walked, groomed or trained like dogs, making them ideal pets for busy people.
Cats also provide companionship and love while having their own independent streak which makes them unique. On the downside, cats can scratch furniture and carpets and may spread allergens in households with allergies or asthma sufferers.
Additionally, some cats may become destructive when bored or left alone too long resulting in additional costs such as replacing broken items or hiring someone to look after your cat while away on vacation.
How to Tune After Cat Delete
When it comes to tuning after installing cat deletes, there are a few things you should consider.
First, if your vehicle is equipped with an oxygen sensor (O2) downstream of the catalytic converter, you will need to install a simulator or “spacer” in place of the O2 sensor so that the ECU can still properly monitor and adjust fuel delivery as needed.
Additionally, some vehicles may require a tune-up for optimal performance post-cat delete installation due to changes in air flow and other engine parameters.
If this is the case for your vehicle, make sure you seek out a qualified tuner who specializes in these types of modifications.
Does Gutting Cats Add Horsepower
Gutting cats, or removing the catalytic converters from a vehicle’s exhaust system, does not add horsepower to the engine.
In fact, because it removes an important component of the emissions control system, gutting cats will almost always result in decreased performance and increased fuel consumption due to the lack of backpressure that is provided by a working catalytic converter.
A cat delete can provide an effective and cost-efficient way to increase horsepower in your vehicle. It works by removing the catalytic converter from your exhaust system, allowing for more air flow and thus increasing power output. Furthermore, it’s relatively simple to install yourself or have done at a professional shop.
With all of these benefits in mind, consider adding a cat delete if you’re looking for an upgrade that won’t break the bank!