Can Running Over a Curb Damage Your Car

Yes, running over a curb can damage your car. The edge of the curb could cause physical damage to the undercarriage or suspension systems, like axles and struts. Additionally, it could also affect steering alignment and tire balance.

Even if there is no visible damage to the car after driving over a curb, it might still be damaged internally which may lead to further problems down the road. Driving too fast when going over a curb can also cause more extensive damage due to an increased impact on any components that are underneath the vehicle such as exhaust pipes or fuel lines.

To avoid potential damages, drivers should always slow down when approaching a curb and drive cautiously while crossing it in order to prevent any consequential harm from occurring.

Driving over a curb may seem like no big deal, but it can cause serious damage to your car. The impact of the sudden stop and the uneven surface of the curb can put a great deal of stress on your vehicle’s suspension system, tires, and rims.

Furthermore, if you go too fast or hit the curb at an angle, it can also lead to alignment problems and other mechanical issues that could be expensive to repair.

It’s best to avoid driving over curbs whenever possible as this will help keep your car in good condition for years to come.

What To Look For On Your Suspension After You Hit A Curb

What Happens When You Hit a Curb Slowly

If you hit a curb slowly, it may not seem like a big deal; however, even at low speeds curbs can cause significant damage to your car. When you hit the curb, the force of impact is transferred from your tires up into the suspension system and other components of the vehicle.

This force can create alignment issues as well as potential problems with joints and shocks that could lead to premature wear on these parts.

It is important to have any damage assessed by an experienced mechanic if you do happen to hit a curb slowly so that they can identify any potential safety issues before they become more serious.

Can Running Over a Curb Damage Your Car


What Damage Can Be Caused by Hitting a Curb?

Hitting a curb can cause serious damage to any type of vehicle. Depending on the severity of the impact, it could result in anything from minor dents and scrapes to broken suspensions, blown tires, and even structural damage that compromises the integrity of your vehicle.

A hard enough hit against a curb can bend or break wheels and axles, causing alignment issues that require costly repairs.

Not only could this compromise your car’s safety on the road but it could also lead to further mechanical problems down the line if not corrected properly. Furthermore, hitting a curb may also cause suspension components such as shock absorbers or control arms to suffer irreparable damage which again must be replaced with new parts at considerable expense.

Therefore it is important for drivers to remain attentive while driving so accidents like these are avoided altogether.

What Can Happen When You Run Over a Curb?

When you run over a curb, several potential issues can occur. Your tires and vehicle suspension could be damaged if the impact is great enough, leading to additional repair costs.

Additionally, running over a curb at speed may cause significant stress on your wheel rims and bearings, resulting in tire misalignment or bent wheels that need to be fixed or replaced.

You might also damage other parts of your car such as its exhaust system or muffler when driving over a curb too quickly. Furthermore, running into curbs at high speeds increases the risk of an accident occurring due to sudden steering changes and increased difficulty controlling the car’s movement after striking the edge of the pavement.

Finally, it’s important to note that driving onto sidewalks or grassy areas with higher-than-average curbs can increase these risks even further – so always stay aware of where you are going and drive carefully near curbs!

What to Look for After Hitting a Curb?

After hitting a curb, it is important to inspect your car for any damage that may have occurred. Depending on the speed of impact and the angle of impact, you may observe visible signs of damage such as scrapes or dents along the wheels and side panels.

Additionally, check underneath your car for oil leaks or fluid drips which could indicate an internal problem with hoses, belts or other components.

You should also listen carefully while driving to detect any unusual noises which could be caused by broken parts within your suspension system or engine. Finally, ensure that your tires are still properly inflated since hitting a curb can cause them to deflate slowly over time due to air leakage from punctures in the sidewall.

This can lead to increased wear and tear on tires as well as decreased handling performance if left unchecked.

Take these steps after hitting a curb in order to stay safe on the road!

Can Running Over a Curb Damage a Wheel Bearing?

Yes, running over a curb can damage wheel bearings. The impact of the curb on the wheel and axle assembly puts force on all components connected to it. This includes the wheel bearing which is responsible for supporting the weight of the vehicle while allowing rotation of the wheel.

If an excessive amount of force is applied to the wheel bearing due to hitting a curb, then it can cause damage such as misalignment or deformation in its internal components. In more severe cases, this could result in complete failure of the bearing which would have a huge effect on how your car drives and handles as well as general safety when it comes to braking and steering performance.

While some minor bumps may not cause any major harm, consistently driving over curbs does pose a risk for potential long-term damage that could affect you down the line.


Running over a curb can cause serious damage to your car. It is important to take extra care when driving near curbs and be aware of the potential risks associated with them. Taking the time to ensure that you drive cautiously in this situation may save you from costly repairs or worse, an accident.