Where is the Fuel Pump Control Module Located

The fuel pump control module is located under the hood, on the driver’s side. It is usually mounted on the firewall or fender. The module controls the electric fuel pump and sends a signal to the engine computer to turn it on and off.

If your car has an electronic fuel pump, the fuel pump control module is likely located near the fuel tank. This module controls the operation of the fuel pump and ensures that it only runs when necessary. If you’re having trouble with your fuel pump, checking the control module is a good place to start.

How to Test a Fuel Pump Control Module

If your car is having trouble starting, or if the engine is sputtering, it could be a problem with the fuel pump control module. The fuel pump control module is responsible for supplying power to the fuel pump, so if it’s not working properly, your car will have trouble getting the gas it needs to run. There are a few ways you can test the fuel pump control module to see if it’s the cause of your car’s problems.

First, check the fuse that supplies power to the module. If this fuse is blown, it means that there is no power reaching the module and you’ll need to replace it.

Next, use a multimeter to test for continuity between the two wires that supply power to the module. If there is no continuity, this means that there is an open circuit and you’ll need to replace the wiring.

Finally, use a test light to check for voltage at these same two wires. If there is voltage present, but no continuity, this indicates a short circuit and you’ll need to replace the fuel pump control module itself.

Where is the Fuel Pump Control Module Located

Credit: www.f150forum.com

How Do You Reset a Fuel Pump Control Module?

If your car is having trouble starting, it could be due to a problem with the fuel pump control module. Luckily, this is relatively easy to fix. Here’s how you can reset a fuel pump control module:

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.

2. Remove the fuel pump fuse from the fuse box.

3. Reconnect the negative battery cable and wait for 30 seconds.

4. Replace the fuel pump fuse and start the engine.

What Does the Fuel Pump Module Control?

The fuel pump module is responsible for supplying the engine with fuel. It is typically located in the fuel tank and uses a pump to move fuel from the tank to the engine. The fuel pump module may also include a filter to remove impurities from the fuel before it reaches the engine.

Does a Fuel Pump Control Module Need to Be Programmed?

A fuel pump control module does not need to be programmed. It is a stand-alone device that controls the fuel pump. The module gets its power from the battery and has its own built-in regulator to keep the voltage at a constant level.

The module also has a built-in circuit breaker to protect the fuel pump from overloads.

How Do You Bypass a Fuel Pump Control Module?

If your car is having trouble starting, it may be due to a problem with the fuel pump control module. This component controls the electric current to the fuel pump, and if it fails, the pump will not receive enough power to operate correctly. Luckily, there is a way to bypass the module and get your car started again.

First, locate the fuel pump relay in the engine bay. This component looks like a small box with several wires running into it. Once you have found the relay, disconnect all of the wires from it.

Next, take a jumper wire and connect one end to the battery positive terminal. Then touch the other end of the jumper wire to each of the terminals on the relay until you hear the fuel pump start up. Once you hear this sound, quickly remove the jumper wire before too much current flows through and damages the relay.

Now that you have bypassed the fuel pump control module, your car should start as normal. However, this is only a temporary fix; you will need to replace or repair the module as soon as possible so that your car can continue to run properly.

Fuel Pump Control Module Checks


The fuel pump control module is located in the engine compartment, usually close to the firewall. It may be mounted on the fender, inner fender, or radiator support. The module controls the electric fuel pump and regulates fuel pressure.