Is an Intercooler a Radiator?

No, an intercooler is not a radiator. While both are heat exchangers, a radiator is used to cool engine coolant while an intercooler is used to cool compressed air. Intercoolers…

Why Do Drag Cars Have Small Front Tires

Drag cars have small front tires to reduce weight and enhance acceleration. These tires allow for a quicker launch when the driver accelerates off the starting line. In drag racing,…

What Happened to Uncle Buck’s Car: The Story Unfolded

Uncle buck’s car was stolen. It was later found burnt out and abandoned. Uncle buck’s car has unfortunately met a tragic fate. It was stolen, taken on a joyride and…

What Does HCI Mean

H/c/i stands for heating, cooling, and insulation. These are the three main components that affect the energy efficiency and indoor comfort of a building. An efficient and comfortable home or…

How to Make a Kawasaki Mule Go Faster

To make a kawasaki mule go faster, you can install an aftermarket speed kit or upgrade the clutch system. Improving the air intake and exhaust can also help increase the…

How Much Does a Powerglide Transmission Weight

A powerglide transmission weighs between 95-120 pounds. The weight depends on the type of the transmission and the additional components attached to it. Powerglide is a two-speed automatic transmission manufactured…

How to Unwrinkle Vinyl: A Comprehensive Guide

To unwrinkle vinyl, use a hair dryer on the lowest heat setting and smooth out the wrinkles with your hands. Vinyl, a synthetic plastic material commonly used for upholstery, tablecloths,…

How Much to Sleeve a Engine Block

Sleeving a block can cost anywhere from $800 to $1500 on average. The price may vary depending on the type of vehicle and the location of the service. Sleeving a…

How Much HP Can a 10 Bolt Rear End Handle

A 10 bolt rear end can handle up to 400-500 horsepower before needing upgrades. The 10-bolt rear end is a popular choice for muscle car enthusiasts due to its strength,…

How to Properly Install Valve Guides in Aluminum Heads

To install valve guides in aluminum heads, insert the guide through the top of the head and press it into place with a hydraulic press or a valve guide installer…